How to create memorable experiences that matter and connect with restaurant customers. TSHS – 0039

Restaurant owners have been forced to quickly come up with new adaptations on menus, points of service, hours, delivery, and takeout models that better serve their local communities just to keep the lights on.

The new definition of dining has been for a while, STAYING HOME – Place an order for a meal with your restaurant- Have your food delivered home.
Is this here to stay, and what do restaurants need to do, to stay relevant?
Discussing with my guest Zana Usher, CEO & Founder ZD Hospitality about creating memorable moments, and make the restaurant guests feel special. It is just the first stage of a successful customer experience. … Today it is NOT enough to meet customer expectations since you are competing with millions of experiences, plus your customers are really smart and empowered. You must exceed customer expectations and create a memorable experience.

How Tourism Companies can Leverage with AI. TSHS – 0038

The use of robotics in tourism, travel, and hospitality is a controversial topic.
Whenever we talk about robotics we do it with a certain degree of superstition and superficiality,
Technology is never the end, but a means to improve internal processes, build branding, guest loyalty and increase profits.
We will discuss with Lasse Rouhiainen, International Keynote Speaker and Best Seller Author on Artificial Intelligence what the future looks like when it comes to AI and the advantages and opportunities for tourism companies to use ¨human-enhancing¨technologies.

Building Tourism From Zero With Ideas From Zero. EP. 2. TSHS – 0037

Almost overnight all over the world tourism came to point zero. It is a unique, even scary moment. Catastrophe or a chance to reset and build something new?
Discussion with Jaka Godejša, Coordinator, about his journey in hospitality, and his passion To Build Tourism From Zero.
He has seen the negative impact mass tourism can have, but also the alternative of creating sustainable hospitality solutions.
We will discuss what it means to be a Scout at Locals From Zero and about building a community platform with ¨ Ideas From Zero ¨.

How to Build Tourism from Zero_ Ep.01. TSHS-0036

Discussion with Rudi Medved Team Leader of a startup ”LocalsFromZero”, which is an online marketplace for hidden, unshaped tourism experiences. They are helping local providers in Slovenia to become visible and at the same time building more responsible tourism.

 #LocalsFromZero mission is to connect people with unique local artisans, experts, associations, clubs, charities, and more. All these are often invisible or somehow overlooked local actors that contribute greatly to the preservation of their traditions, culture, and environment. #LocalsFromZero takes care of their prudent involvement in the global tourism market.
The frequent reasons for the invisibility of such stakeholders are lack of resources in advertising, digitization, bureaucracy, etc. That is why #LFZ Scouts exist in their host country to find them and help them show their inspiring skills and experiences to the world.
Be curious and prudent yourself – and visit them for additional authentic and memorable experiences of the regions you travel through!

What are the key factors in executing the digital marketing for tourism and hospitality. TSHS-0035

Welcome to the 3rd episode of 3 part series called The Why, What and How of digital marketing in tourism and hospitality
I am with Juho Pesonen, Head of eTourism Research at University of Eastern Finland
In this episodes we are discussing about

• Where does digital marketing in tourism and hospitality start from? What are the first steps?

• How to know whether or not you are doing good job in marketing?

• How to put a funnel or path together to connect?

• What is this growth engine?

• How to know whether or not you are doing good job in marketing?

• All metrics should form a pyramid, starting from mission, to strategy, to tactics

Sharing the secrets of defining strategies to reach business goals with digital marketing. TSHS-0034

Welcome to the 2nd episode of 3 part series called The Why, What and How of digital marketing in tourism and hospitality
I am with Juha Pesonen,  Head of eTourism Research at University of Eastern Finland
In this episodes we are discussing about  Defining a strategy to reach business goals.

We will talk about
Where does strategy work start in tourism business? -> Strategy defines how we get from where we are now to where we want to be in 5, 10 years.
How to build a successful strategy?
Digital transformation is one of the buzz words in the tourism industry at the moment. What role does technology play in strategy work?
How to manage strategy execution? -> Using SMART  metrix.

Why bother with Digital Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality. Ep.1. TSHS-033

Why bother with Digital Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality.
Discussing in this three part series with Juho Pesonen, Tourism Marketing and Management Master’s Degree Programme Director; Adjunct Professor, Head of eTourism Research, University of Eastern Finland.

The future of micro hospitality, how will Space of Mind get you there? TSHS – 0032

When it comes to size, today, modern hospitality faces two extreme trends: either over-extending with large facilities featuring pools, restaurants and luxurious amenities, or paring down to the simplest form with practical, mobile concepts. Focus on the latter which are shaping the future of hospitality.Discussion with Willem van Bolderen, Architect, Partner of Studio Architects.

How can mental health issues affect an individual during pandemic. TSHS -0031

The hospitality industry faces overwhelming uncertainty and risks right now. The loss of a job and loss of stability increases a person’s risk to experience mental health issues… and they are at a much higher risk to attempt drastic actions”

Maintaining mental health is both more challenging and more important in these unprecedented times. Sam-Erik Ruttmann is speaking with Dragan Donkov
Manager Learning & Development, EMCC Accredited Coach, MHFA Instructor
How this effects leadership, how to recognise the signs of mental health issues, and how to provide help for those affected.
How to seek help? How to help each other and provide ¨mental health first aid¨.

The future of hospitality – What you need to know for 2021. TSHS-0030

Thrilled to speak with Willem van Bolderen, Architect and on of the founders of Studio Puisto Architects, about their the latest developments in hospitality architecture, called Space of Mind. We also discuss the benefit of wood as a building material to create sustainability sound buildings.
He also described the modern approach in using technology new way of standardising, to standardise to customise with the aid of computer aided technology.
Blend of unique architecture with the aid of artificial intelligence.